Wisconsin Pride Flag Embroidered Patch

Wisconsin Pride Flag Embroidered Patch
Be an ally for equity and quality of life for all. Great for hoodies, hats, jackets, backpacks, anywhere! Industrial strength BEMIS adhesive backer for easy, no sew, application.
The rainbow flag first appeared in 1978, when it was flown during the San Francisco gay and lesbian freedom day parade. Gilbert baker, a san francisco artist, designed the rainbow flag in response to a need for a symbol that could be used year after year. Baker borrowed symbolism from the civil rights and hippie movements, and created a flag that has gained worldwide recognition. The original flag featured 8 colors, each with a distinct meaning assigned by baker: hot pink (sex), red (life), orange (healing), yellow (sunlight), green (nature), turquoise (magic/art), indigo (serenity), violet (spirit).
Adhesive Instructions: 350 degrees. 17 seconds. 50 lbs. of pressure. Protect the rest of the garment with Teflon sheets. Two sizes: 3.5” or 2.25”